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Wednesday, May 9, 2012

Bartok - Music for Strings, Percussion and Celesta - 4/5 Stars

Bartok - Music for Strings, Percussion and Celesta - 4/5 Stars

Movement I: Ok, a fugue with altering meters! How could I not love that? Also, the amazing timbral textures give the piece its own aesthetic flavor. All the parallel movement creates some wonderful envisioned shapes.

Movement II: I’m a sucker for pizzicato, and this mvt. is packed with it. The aggressive, syncopated and unexpected accents give the piece an exciting vibe that keeps listeners on the edge of their seats. There are a few awkward transitions that seemed rushed and not fully developed. Overall though, this is my favorite movement despite some angular/unprepared transitions.

Movement III: Made famous from the movie The Shining, this slower, more eerie movement is at points drawn out and a little slow for my tastes. There are several unique and fun little concepts here, however: rhythms based off the Fibonacci sequence, timpani glisses, and haunting chromatic melodies. The juxtaposition of the strings, xylophone, and timpani, (opposing like rivals) creates a very tense environment.

Movement IV: A nice, rhythmic, lively dance to close the piece. Again, the aggressive and explosive accenting coupled with meter shifts makes the whole piece an unpredictable adventure!

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